What I did: I tried to capture the hidden beauty in the walk I take to school every day. Namely, I chose to focus on minimalism by displaying the sterile, repetitive nature of DoBro architecture.
What worked: I'm quite satisfied with the simplicity I was able to achieve throughout the images. Brooklyn is quite chaotic, but I framed with the hope of capturing small windows of serenity.
What didn't work: As a series, the images weren't quite consistent in coloring. Particularly the sky was inconsistent from shot to shot. I also feel that keeping to only one building or shooting 5 unique buildings would have kept the similarities and differences consistent across the series.
General thoughts: I'm glad I brought out my camera to shoot this and used Raw capture because I was able to rescue a lot of lost information in the photograph, including overexposed clouds and underexposed building facades. One of the difficulties I encountered was avoiding cliches. Street photography is so ubiquitous in the Instagram era that it becomes challenging to create unique compositions or narratives. I put a particular focus on creating images that I hadn't taken before and am generally happy with the visual diversity I achieved. For future Digital Media Sketchbooks, I hope to experiment with shooting different subjects or trying experimental techniques that I don't usually shoot with.